Re-defining community with Rebecca Saunders
Feb 29, 2024
A focus on conversation and celebration takes support for regional business women to a whole new level
Running a business is hard, but it doesn’t have to be lonely. It’s time for real conversations, genuine connection and a whole heap of celebration.
We sat down with Mid-Western Living’s new editor. Rebecca is the founder of The Champagne Lounge, the number one online community for regional business owners, which has just celebrated it’s first birthday.
Rebecca is a master networker and the powerhouse behind what has become the must-join membership for regional business women across the country.
She’s a champagne drinking, post-it note loving, hair-free alopecian who helps female business owners turn their uniqueness into a super power, celebrate their successes and create dream lives and businesses by design.
Towards the end of 2022, she had a deep knowing that she wanted to do something different, create something with impact and bring more celebration into the lives of ambitious women. So, after a decade building her multi-national video production company; she did what all go-getting entrepreneurs do - she followed her intuition and created it.
"The entrepreneurial rollercoaster is a challenging one - and that staying on the ride requires a cheer squad of women around you cheering you on from the sidelines, pepping you up when things get hard and celebrating loudly when you smash your goals and make things happen - especially when you live regionally!"
In February 2023, The Champagne Lounge launched as the online community for Australia’s ambitious regional business women who want to find their people, grow their network and celebrate themselves, their achievements and their milestones with other’s who would celebrate them too.
She’s re-defining community building through The Champagne Lounge membership.
“Many online communities, masterminds and programs ask their members to commit a big chunk of time every week. As a busy business owner myself, I know that’s pretty much impossible (and kinda boring); so we encourage our members to think of The Champagne Lounge like the business BFF they have on speed dial”
A sense of structured flexibility flows through this community of regional business women. Throughout each month, Rebecca hosts a variety of virtual meet-ups, and encourages members to join when they can, how they can and for as long or as little as they can.
“It’s all about sharing when you can, asking for help when you need and knowing that you’ve got a cheer squad always”
Rebecca’s mission is to connect 1000 + female business owners and entrepreneurs from all around the country, who want to find their people, build their network and celebrate life’s wins BIG and small. To create a community of support where it’s normal to build each other up, refer one another, support one another and help to shine.
“Tall poppy syndrome is a toxic part of Australian culture, and is a massive issue in regional areas. We want to break that culture and normalise celebrating success.
“We’re all about ensuring regional business women feel connected, supported, inspired and celebrated on their journey creating the business and life of their dreams, while having fun and making some business besties along the way.
In a world where so many business conversations are transactional, it’s refreshing to see a new approach to community that’s full to the brim of genuine care, unrivalled support and absolutely no judgement.___
Connect with Rebecca:
Feature in our next issue!
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