The oldest wine bar in NSW

food Jun 03, 2024

Nestled in the heart of Mudgee, Roth’s Wine Bar stands as a testament to the region’s rich history and vibrant culture. Since it was licensed as a wine bar in January 1923, 101 years ago, it hasn’t had a break. But just like fine wine, it’s improved with age.

The story of Roth’s begins in 1858 when the Roth family planted the first grapes in Mudgee at Craigmoor. It was here that the seeds of entrepreneurship were sown, eventually leading young Robert ‘Bob’ Roth to establish a general store at 22 years of age.

The Roth’s General Store sold almost anything you could think of, including some ‘under the counter’ beverages (Secret concoctions which are still staples of the current drinks menu: 1080, Diesel, Lucijet) for the thirsty farmers who’d made the long journey into town for their monthly supplies. Word soon got around and the allure of these covert libations prompted the transition to a licensed wine bar in January 1923.

For over a century, Roth’s has been a cornerstone of Mudgee’s social scene, renowned for its impeccable blend of food, wine, and music. Today, stepping into the historic terrace, patrons are greeted by the warm hospitality of the staff, a weekly selection of wine by the glass and the allure of the in-house cellar which is stocked with over 100 local drops.

It’s the perfect place to sample the wares of Mudgee’s top vineyards.

But Roth’s is more than just a wine bar; it’s a cultural hub where memories are forged and friendships are celebrated. From lively evenings fuelled by the legendary 1080s to intimate gatherings serenaded by live music, every visit to Roth’s is an experience to be remembered.

Behind the scenes, a dynamic duo—Jordo and Cal—stand at the helm, steering Roth’s into the future and continuing its legacy. Jordo’s tenure began in 2016, while Cal’s journey intertwined with Roth’s from a young age.

"From the age of 10 my mum owned a restaurant, and  I suppose the hospitality rubbed off on me. I remember going to Roth’s when I was younger and thinking how great it’d be to own a joint like Roth’s

After school he worked a few jobs in hospitality before coming on board as Manager in January 2022, and about a year later became co-owner - like Bob Roth, Cal was 22.

Their shared passion for hospitality and viticulture infuses every aspect of Roth’s, extending beyond the bar to their vineyard in Eurunderee. Here, amidst the rolling hills, they cultivate the grapes for their house label, Grapes of Roth.

As custodians of Roth’s legacy, Jordo and Cal continue to uphold the traditions that have defined this institution for generations. Whether tending to the vines or orchestrating the perfect evening at the bar, their dedication ensures that Roth’s remains a beacon of community in the heart of town.

In an ever-changing world, Roth’s Wine Bar stands as a timeless symbol of community and craftsmanship. With each pour and every note, it weaves a tapestry of memories, binding past, present, and future in a toast to the enduring spirit of Mudgee.

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